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Territorial Planning

After selecting an area, can I download a report?
Yes, to download a report click on the map button (+) “View Report” > “Download Report” or “View Associated”> “Download Report”.
How can I request a report that is not present?
A new report can be requested from the page “Support”, by clicking on the link “Submit a request” and selecting the
Topic: Operational Support
Reason for Request: General Information
Details of the requirements can be provided in the field “description”.
Where can I consult details of requests for connection of systems to the NTG, grouped by relevant area?
Information on connection requests can be viewed grouped by Province and Municipality in the section “Browse the Network”.
Where can I consult/download reports on “Networks”?
Reports can be consulted and downloaded in the section “Browse Data” from the “Networks” tab.
Where can I consult/download reports on “NTG Connections”?
Reports can be consulted and downloaded in the section “Browse Data” from the “Connections” tab.
Where can I consult/download reports on “Operational Systems”?
The reports can be consulted/downloaded in the "Explore Data" section by clicking on the "Plants in Operation" tab

Portale Dati

Are there any data download APIs on the Data Portal?
Yes, you can use the API service on
How can I download the data shown on the Portal?
The Data Portal has two download options:
  1. You can download data from the "Dowload Center" section. Follow the steps below:  
    • Select the section you are interested in from the menu on the left;
    • Set the filters;
    • Click on "Download file" to download the Excel file with the extraction of the data you have selected.
  2. Or you can download the data directly from a dashboard, as follows:
    • Apply the relevant filters from the dashboard;
    • Click on any point of the dashboard and select the three dots icon on the top right corner;
    • Select "Export data" to export data from the chart you have selected;
    • Select the data downloading format between .xlsl (up to 150,000 rows) and .csv (up to 30,000 rows).
Is there a maximum limit of downloadable data?
Concerning data downloads from the Download Center section, there is no limit of downloadable data; for data downloaded directly from the dashboard, the limit is 150,000 rows for .xlsx files and 30,000 rows for .csv files.
Where can I view and download the data?
The Data Portal has been designed to automatically adapt to the type of screen it is browsed from, such as PC, tablet or smartphone. We would also like to remind you about Terna's App containing all the data, available for Android and iOS devices.
Can I update the data without leaving the page?
To update the dashboard view, enter CTRL + F5. Data are reloaded in their latest version. It is recommended to do this after staying on the same page for a very long time.
I think there is an error in the data I've downloaded/viewed. How can I report it?

You can report an error in the data you've downloaded/viewed from the area "Submit a request" on the bottom of the Support page. Select:
Relationship: Portale Dati
Topic: Supporto Operativo
Reason for Request: Informazioni Generiche
You can provide more information on your request in the "Description" field, by specifying the menu item and reference section.

You need to be registered to MyTerna in order to send a request.


How can I apply for a change of ownership of a current connection practice (SwitchIn)?

To request a switchIn, access the «SwitchIn» section within the Connections area of the MyTerna portal.

Click on the «SwitchIn Request» button and fill in all the required mandatory fields. After completing the fields and clicking the «Save» button, the system will bring you back to a screen where you need to upload documents and payments.

To complete the switchin request and send it to Terna, click on the «Confirm and Send to Terna» button.

To learn more about how to request a switchIn, please refer to the User Manual (Italian version only) and/or to the videotutorial (Italian version only)

How can I get to the Connections area of the MyTerna portal?
To reach the Connections area, after logging into MyTerna, you need to follow this path: MyTerna Homepage > My services > Managing connection requests > Connections Portal.
Which browsers are compatible with the new Connections area of the MyTerna portal?

Browsers compatible with the new Connections area of the MyTerna portal are:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Microsoft Edge;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Apple Safari;
Why do I get issues in the operation of some functionalities (e.g., upload/download a document related to the practice)?
We recommend you to clear your browser cache; if the issue persists please contact the Call Center by sending an email to or by phone at 800.999.333 active from Monday to Friday (8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.).
How can I proceed with the acceptance of the estimate (STMG)?
To learn more about how to accept the General Minimum Technical Solution, the following channels are available:
•    Dedicated User Manual (Italian version only);
•    videotutorial (Italian version only);
•    Opening a ticket within the dedicated «Ticket» section in the Connections area of the MyTerna portal (MyTerna > Connections > Ticket). To learn more about how to open tickets, please refer to the il User Manual (Italian version only), to the videotutorial and/or to the related FAQ within the «Requests/ Reports Opening» section.


To which IBAN should the payment for the connection request estimate be directed?
For this type of payment, the IBAN is indicated within the pre-filled Model 3a, which is automatically generated by the system at the time of the connection request and can be found at the following link (Italian version only).
Within which timeframe should I accept the estimate (STMG) given by Terna?
You must accept the estimate given by Terna within 120 days from the date of its receipt. These timelines are contained within Chapter 1 of the Grid Code.
How can I request information or make a report to Terna about my activities on connection requests and/or switchIn?

You can request information or make a report to Terna by opening a ticket in the dedicated «Ticket» section on the Connections area of the MyTerna portal (MyTerna > Connections > Tickets). Here are the steps to follow:

• click on the «Create Ticket» button and fill in the required fields;
• click on the «Save» button;
• after saving, if necessary, click on the «Create document» button to attach any documents to support the request;
• complete the ticket opening by clicking on the «Confirm and Send to Terna» button.
To learn more about how to open tickets, you can consult the User Manual (Italian version only) and/or to the videotutorial (Italian version only).

Is it possible to know the status of my practice?
To view the status of a specific Practice, access the section «Operations», subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Practice List» within the New MyTerna Portal, where the relevant Status is visible for each Practice in the field «Status Reason».
Is it possible to receive general information on economic conditions for connecting to the National Transmission Grid (NTG)?
The summary of the economic conditions for connection to the NTG (composed by fixed costs and variable costs) is contained within Chapter 1 of the Grid Code in the  dedicated paragraphs.

Information on plant realization costs is available on the website in the section Forms for NTG connection - Average plant realization costs (Italian version only).

Is it possible to request information after receiving an estimate?
To request information after receiving an estimate, it is necessary to open a ticket within the appropriate section of the Connections area of the MyTerna portal (MyTerna > Connections > Ticket).
To learn more about how to open tickets, please refer to the User Manual (Italian version only), to the videotutorial (Italian version only) and/or to the related FAQ within the «Requests/ Reports Opening» section.
Where can I find my connection practices?
You can find your connection practices by accessing the «Requests» section within the Connections area of the MyTerna portal.
Which are the first steps to follow to set up a connection request?
To set up a connection request, access the «Requests» section within the Connections area of the MyTerna portal (MyTerna > Connections > Requests). Once you reach the «Requests» section, click on the «New Requests» button and follow the guided procedure. For further details about the connection request or for information related to the 36kV request, you can refer to the User Manual (Italian version only) and the videotutorial (Italian version only).
Which are the mandatory documents to be submitted initially for the connection request?
The mandatory documents to be submitted initially for the connection request vary according to the «Plant Classification» selected. The detail is contained within Chapter 1 of the Grid Code, available at this link. However, after entering all the necessary data on the portal to set up the connection request, beginning with the practice status «To start», a «Documents and Payments» section will be available in which all the required mandatory documents are indicated.
Which is the maximum size allowed for attachments?
Documents not exceeding 128 MB in size can be uploaded, except for submitting design documents for the project validation request phase with a size not exceeding 5 GB.
Is it possible to request information about a connection contract signed with Terna?
To request information about a connection contract signed with Terna, it is necessary to open a ticket within the Connections area of the MyTerna portal (MyTerna > Connections > Tickets).
To learn more about how to open tickets, please refer to the User Manual (Italian version only), to the videotutorial and/or to the related FAQ within the «Requests/ Reports Opening» section.
Where can I find information about the integration and/or processing that Terna has requested for my practice?
Within the screen related to the practice of interest, there is a section named "Useful Information for Refinement" which contains the information related to the integration and/or refinement request from Terna. The description of the information to be refined will be sent via email to the referent of the company that owns the connection request.
Why is my practice in the «Integrations request» status?
To view the reasons why a particular practice is in the "Integration Request" status, you can access to the practice of interest in the Connections area of the MyTerna portal from within the screen related and consult the "Useful Information for Perfection“, subsection "Notes“, which contains the information to be integrated and its reasons. The description of the information to be supplemented with related reasons will be sent by e-mail.


How can I contact the MyTerna Call Centre to request information or support?

On the page "Support" accessed in the header, the MyTerna portal provides two ways to contact the Call Centre:

  • “Submit a request”, to send a specific service request, following a guide to fill out a form. According to the fields completed, the system will address the request automatically to the relevant Terna Team;
  • Freephone number, for direct support from an operator, call 800.999.333, from Monday to Friday (8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.).
How can I reset my password?

To reset your password, if you have not logged in yet, click on the «Login» button on the homepage of the New MyTerna Portal, then click on the link «Forgot your password or your username?» and follow the suggested steps; if you have already logged in, you need to log out first in order to follow the steps above.
For additional details refer to the specific user guide.
In case of further issues, please feel free to contact the Call Center team from Monday to Friday (8.30 - 17.30) at the number 800.999.333.

Which browsers are compatible with the New MyTerna Portal?

Browsers compatible with the New MyTerna Portal are:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Microsoft Edge;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Apple Safari;
Why was I denied to access the New MyTerna Portal?

If access to the New MyTerna Portal is denied, it is necessary to verify if the credentials entered are correct and, if needed, proceed with a password reset. For further information on the password reset procedure, please refer to the relevant FAQ.

What is the maximum size allowed for attachments?

Only documents not exceeding 128 MB can be uploaded.

Where can I view my requests?

You can find your requests by accessing the section “Operations”, subsection “Speak with Terna”, under “Contact Terna” on the MyTerna portal.

Where can I view requests sent by Terna?
You can find requests sent by Terna by accessing the section “Operations”, subsection “Speak with Terna”, under “Requests from Terna” on the MyTerna portal.
Why is my Request in the «Request For Information» status?

If the information entered is not correct/complete, the Terna Team may request its integration. The Electricity Operator will receive an email stating that the Request has been updated by the Terna Team and that it is necessary to refine the information entered, by accessing the Portal through the link provided in the email. To view the reasons why a given Request is in the «Request For Information» status, select the Request of interest in the New MyTerna Portal and view the «Notes» section, containing the information to be integrated and the related reasons.

Business Relationships

Is it possible to know the status of my Practice?

To view the status of a specific Practice, access the section «Operations», subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Practice List» within the New MyTerna Portal, where the relevant Status is visible for each Practice in the field «Status Reason».

Is it possible to know the status of my Request?

To view the status of a specific Request, access the section «Operations», subsection «Service Request», item «Service Request» within the New MyTerna Portal, where the relevant Status is visible for each Request in the field «Status Reason».

Is it possible to know the status of my Trade Relationship?

To view the status of a specific Trade Relationship, access the section «Operations», subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Trade Relationship List» within the New MyTerna Portal, where the relevant Status is visible for each Trade Relationship in the field «Status Reason».

Where can I find my Practices?
You can find your Practices by accessing the «Operations» section, subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Practice List» within the New MyTerna Portal.
Where can I find my Requests?

You can find your Requests by accessing the «Operations» section, subsection «Service Request», item «Service Request» within the New MyTerna Portal.

Where can I find my Trade Relationships?

You can find your Trade Relationships by accessing the «Operations» section, subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Trade Relationship List» within the New MyTerna Portal.

Which are the first steps to be taken to start a Trade Relationship Stipulation?

To start a Trade Relationship Stipulation, access the section «Operations», subsection «Trade Relationship», item «Trade Relationship Stipulation» within the New MyTerna Portal. Once you reach the section «Stipulation Practice», select the Trade Relationship of interest in the drop-down menu «Trade Relationship Type», and follow the guided procedure. From the New MyTerna Portal, it is possible to request the Stipulation for the following Trade Relationships:
•  Aggregation Measures Convention;
•  CTR Convention;
•  Injection Dispatching Contract;
•  Withdrawal Dispatching Contract.
For further information about the Trade Relationship Stipulation, please refer to the relevant Manual for the Trade Relationship.


Which are the mandatory documents to be submitted in the first place for the registration of a new Electricity Operator – Legal Type?

The mandatory documents to be submitted in the first instance for the registration of a new Electricity Operator – Legal Type are the following:
• Valid Super User Identity document,
• Super User mandate,
• Chamber of commerce certificate: document enabled only if the Country of the Legal Head Office of the Electricity Operator is Italy and the release date does not exceed 6 months.
In addition, the following documents are optional:
• Reverse Charge: document enabled only if the User has modified the attribute «Activity Type», selecting one of the following types of operation: «Injection/Withdrawal Dispatching Contract», «Interruptibility scheme Contract», «Interconnector program Contract/Shipping service Contract»,
• Anti-mafia certificate: document enabled only if the User has modified the attribute «Activity Type» selecting «Request/Modification of connection to the National Transmission Grid».

Which are the mandatory documents to be submitted in the first place for the registration of a new Electricity Operator – Normal Type?

The mandatory documents to be presented in the first instance for the registration of a new Electricity Operator – Normal Type are the following:

  • Super User mandate,
  • Valid Identity document of the Electricity Operator – Normal Type.

In addition, the following document is optional: Anti-mafia certificate, document enabled only if the User has modified the attribute «Activity Type» selecting «Request/Modification of connection to the National Transmission Grid».

Video Tutorial



Il portale MyTerna

Scopri i contenuti e le funzioni di MyTerna.

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Registrazione Operatore Elettrico

Segui i passaggi per completare il processo di registrazione come persona giuridica o persona fisica.

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Richiesta di connessione alla rete

Come effettuare una richiesta di Connessioni

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Progetto impianti per la connessione

Come predisporre il progetto e richiedere il benestare.

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Accesso al portale GAUDI'

Come accedere al portale con l'anagrafica degli impianti di produzione.

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Contratti Dispacciamento Immissione

Come gestire le pratiche in modo efficiente e conforme alle normative.

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Partecipazione asta Mercato Capacità

Come partecipare a un'asta sul Mercato della Capacità.

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Talk to Terna

For inquiries or technical support contact us at or call 800.999.333, or +39 06 83883929 from abroad. (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m - 5.30 p.m)